Mysterious alien beings have landed on Earth! The last resort to stop them is a ragtag group of monsters that the military has been quietly rounding up over the years. Speed through the city as Ginormica, 49-feet-11-inches of brawn and beauty! Battle your way through the alien spaceship as the macho half-ape, half-fish The Missing Link! Combat Gallaxhar and his evil clones and save the world from imminent destruction! Find your inner monster!


1 komentar:

  1. Unknown on 2 September 2010 pukul 14.03

    mas, minta game yg u res 320x240 blh tidak ... terus kemarin sy lihat di BF link u jar resize nya error di jogjaupload bisa post lagi tidak ... terima kasih yach maaf sdh merepotkan .... tapi semua gamenya asyik mantaf bosss